Education Rules






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The Events Centre, Caloundra 
20 Minchinton St, Caloundra, Qld 4551
Box Office Ph (07) 5491 4240

Educational School Groups: 
Wednesday 14th, Thursday 15th & Friday 16th May 2025

The committee will advise you as soon as possible of the time the sections will commence so you may proceed with your transport organisation etc. We understand how important it is for schools to have all information early and will do our very best for you

Groups – $25 per dance
Student Solos – $30 per dance
Please be very careful when entering as changes can be made if an error is made within one week after your entry is processed, after that changes will occur a $20 fee per dance.

Please be advised that the section you enter is determined by the oldest Competitor, younger dancers may participate in older sections. e.g. A student in Grade 8 may compete in Secondary Sections Grade 10 to 12. In dance it is normal to dance-up as long as the total team does not have a dancer who is in a higher school grade than specified. 

11:00pm, Friday 3rd March 2025.
Late entries will be accepted up until 11.00pm on Friday 7th March however a late-fee will be applicable. We will not accept any late entries after these advertised dates, sorry!

All entries and payments are to be submitted online via Comps-Online

To avoid errors, only entries made online will be accepted.

After entries close, we will ensure you have all information as quickly as possible as we understand the need for you to organise this through your schools procedure. For this reason, please enter sooner rather than waiting until the last minute

In 2024 we trialed three new solo sections which we believe was very successful. We are keeping these sections limited to Year 11 & 12 only and all competitors must be enrolled in a school based dance subject. 
Student solos MUST be solely choreographed by the student entered. It must not be a solo choreographed at an external Dance Studio by a Teacher/Guest Choreographer. The students solo may be a school assessment piece. 
Solos have a strict time limit of up to 2 minutes. Items over 2 minutes will not receive a score.  
All entries must be done by the supervising Teacher/School. Students must be accompanied by a supervising Teacher.
Should we not receive a sufficient amount of entries to be able to run these sections they will be cancelled and a refund will be given. 

You may enter a maximum of THREE groups per section. 
Groups are a minimum of 4 dancers and maximum of 50 dancers per group. Time limit 5 minutes.

Section 001 – Primary School DIV 1 Grade 3 & Under Any Dance
Section 002 – Primary School DIV 2 Up-Tempo Jazz/Hip Hop
Section 003 – Primary School DIV 2 Any other dance Group
Section 004 – Junior Secondary (Grade 7-9) Up-Tempo Jazz Group
Section 005 – Junior Secondary (Grade 7-9) Hip Hop Group
Section 006 – Junior Secondary (Grade 7-9) Lyrical Group
Section 007 – Junior Secondary (Grade 7-9) Contemporary Group
Section 008 – Junior Secondary (Grade 7-9) Any Other Dance Group
Section 009 – Senior Secondary (Grade 10-12) Up-Tempo Jazz Group
Section 010 – Senior Secondary (Grade 10-12) Hip Hop Jazz Group
Section 011 – Senior Secondary (Grade 10-12) Lyrical Group
Section 012 – Senior Secondary (Grade 10-12) Contemporary Group
Section 013 – Senior Secondary (Grade 10-12) Any Other Dance

NOTE-: ‘Any Dance’ may include genres such as musical theatre, acrobatic, novelty item. ANY dance style will be acceptable

Solos are to be choreographed entirely by the student. Time limit 2 mintues

Section 014 – Senior Secondary (Grade 11/12) Up-Tempo Jazz SOLO
Section 015 – Senior Secondary (Grade 11/12) Lyrical SOLO
Section 016 – Senior Secondary (Grade 11/12) Contemporary SOLO

It is compulsory that every dancer entered in this competition has an Education pass. This must be purchased through the Teacher via Comps-Online ($8 per dancer) at time of entry. This allows access to the audience at all Education sessions.
Teachers please note that all dancers will require an Education pass even if they are entering a solo. Education passes are only valid for the Education days and do not include entry to the group weekends or solos/duos/trios/repertoire.
Students must be easily identifiable as a competitor, either in (covered) costume or school uniform.
Should the theatre become full to capacity competitors may be denied entry periodically. We require your understanding should this occur.
PASSES MUST BE PURCHASED AT THE TIME OF ENTRY. Failure to purchase at the time of entry will incur additional costs.

Parent & Friends tickets are to be purchased through the box-office at The Events Centre, Caloundra as they have done in previous years.

Three (3) Teachers passes per school are available from the administration on arrival on the day of the competition. These are strictly for supervising Teachers.

A program will be emailed to the address on your entry form as it becomes available! Schools will be given one free hard
copy on the competition day with subsequent copies available to purchase for $15.
Prior to the event you may purchase hard copies of the group program at Showtime Dancewear at their Maroochydore store. We regret that we cannot post any programs.


At the time of checkout and payment you need to print & have a copy of your Comps-Online invoice as proof of payment. Should this not be generated then the payment did not go through but can be easily rectified through Comps-Online. We regret that entries/invoices not paid for in full via Comps-Online by the closing date will not be included in the competition or the program.
PASSES MUST BE PURCHASED AT THE TIME OF ENTRY. Failure to purchase at the time of entry will incur additional costs.
Please ensure the Comps-Online entry includes the contact email address and phone number for the Teacher in charge of your dance groups.

This is held at the Events Centre Caloundra for 1 month following this event. Please contact them with your enquiries.




1. Dancers/Studios enter and participate in this eisteddfod according to all rules and guidelines listed. Lack of knowledge will not be accepted as a reason for the infringement of any rule. May we bring your attention to rule 4  if this is the first time you have entered this competition.

2. This Eisteddfod is open to amateurs only who have not or are not receiving income is derived from the particular class for which they entered.

3. This is a family-oriented dance eisteddfod; therefore costumes, routines and lyrics must be suitable.

The Sunshine Coast Dance Eisteddfod Committee sees that our most important duty is as guardians of the Competitors who enter this dance competition. We take our job very seriously therefore we adopt the ‘No Tights, No Dance’ policy. We take great pride in providing a venue for all Competitors to develop their craft and performance in dance, in a safe, family orientated environment and we hope you will support our decision as we are sincere in our actions.  To clarify this rule to participate -: the dancer, Female and Male are to wear ‘dance tights’ and should be to the knee (knee length) in all genres of dance. Tights are not required if the costume is form fitting to the knee. eg. a unitard or just above the knee shorts (skirts/dresses must wear tights).  We thank you for your attention and support in this delicate matter. If you need clarification regarding this rule please email 

The Eisteddfod Committee is not responsible for any infringement of copyright or royalty by performers or those associated with the performances. Copied music and choreography is used at their own risk. We assume that all studios/schools hold the relevant licenses.

No prize will be awarded unless there is sufficient merit.  The Adjudicator has the power to withhold or divide prizes according to merit of performance.  Communication with the Adjudicator either by competitors, teachers or other interested parties during the Eisteddfod is forbidden. All inquiries or requests are to be directed to the Committee or Conductor of session not the Adjudicator.

The Committee reserves the right to make any alterations or additions to the program when they become necessary and to appoint a Substitute Adjudicator at any time without notice.  Competitors dance in all sections AT THEIR OWN RISK & in the ORDER ACCORDING TO THE Program. 

Protests must be made in writing and handed to the Secretary within half an hour of the cause of the protest arising, accompanied by a fee of $50.00, which will be forfeited if the protest is considered frivolous. The decision of the Eisteddfod Protest Committee will be final.

Time limits will be strictly adhered to otherwise penalties will apply.   

Maximum Time limits for Education Groups: Up to 5 Minutes
Maximum Time limits for Student Solos: Up to 2 Minutes

Competitors must be prepared to provide Proof of Age/Grade if required.

Please be advised that the section you enter is determined by the oldest Competitor, younger dancers may participate in older sections. e.g. A student in Grade 8 but may compete in Secondary Sections Grade 10 to 12. In dance it is normal to dance-up as long as the total team does not have a dancer who is in a higher school grade than specified.  

A maximum of three groups only per School are permitted to enter in any one section.  Group sections are determined by the age of the eldest competitor in the group.  The minimum number in any group is 4 dancers; the maximum number is 50 Dancers. Competitors are permitted to appear in both groups. The Teacher has the responsibility of checking in their groups and seeing they are marshalled ready to dance in turn (in the order of the program).  

There will be no official marshalling and failure to appear will not be the responsibility of the Eisteddfod Committee and you will forfeit your entry.


  Note: NO ROSIN ever to be used on the stage.

NO VOCAL BACKING IS ALLOWED WHILST SINGING, however, vocals are allowed whilst dancing. 

No pre-recorded tapping during dance sections is permitted.  Tap shoes must not be worn in the auditorium and tap shoes must be removed or covered backstage. Great care is needed on the polished wooden floor, if you are Tapping (Tap Dancing) you must not tap or rehearse on the wooden floors.

As this is a friendly Eisteddfod that respects all who wish to take part, bad sportsmanship will not be tolerated.  Anyone who distresses a Teacher, Competitor, or a Volunteer will be subject to the Disciplinary Action Schedule. 

A select number of Committee members will be responsible for delivering a Grade of Disciplinary Action should the Sunshine Coast Dance Eisteddfod be compromised in any way. 

The relevant grades for this disciplinary action will be:  

  Grade 6   Verbal warning
  Grade 5   Written warning 
Grade 4   Loss of points 
Grade 3   Disqualification  
Grade 2   12 Month ban
Grade 1   24 Months ban 

Props need to be delivered to the designated area PRIOR to the commencement of each day. Further information will be emailed prior to the groups event. Props cannot enter through the front doors once we have opened to the public. Props are to be placed on stage with a time limit of one minute. Competitors must show respect for the stage. Props must never be dragged. NO foreign substance is to be spilt on the stage and NO lit candles or naked flames are permitted. No special effects or rosin ever to be used on the stage. Assistance with props is allowed but only when it is your studio’s item & section and ask for props & these helpers vacate the side of stage area immediately after.

Music must be submitted prior to the event through Music Uploads. Information will be released once the program is finalised.

We ask you to be respectful of the amount of people backstage acting as support – 1 or 2 Teachers maximum per group. Backstage management has the right to remove anyone at any time and we ask that you always follow the directions of the Stage Manager or face penalties. Assistance with props is allowed but only when it is your studio’s item & section and ask for props & these helpers vacate the side of stage area immediately after. No backstage support is allowed for solos.

The taking of photographs by cameras, video cameras or mobile phone cameras of any performance is strictly forbidden. This is a rule of the Child Protection Act. Professional services are provided in both photography and videography and is to be arranged with the consent of the Parent/Teacher prior to the performance. Should this rule not be adhered to then this may result in disqualification. Any device with a screen is strictly forbidden to be used by audience members during any performance and includes videos taken side of stage from the wings. All dressing rooms have a strict NO PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEOGRAPHY rule. There are plenty of open spaces at the venue you can utilise for your personal photography. Please ensure all dancers/dressing room helpers are aware of this rule.

Competitors must not rehearse on stage OR on the polished floor in the Glasshouse dressing room. In shared dressing rooms, all competitors and associated parties are expected to demonstrate respect for the space, costumes and belongings of others at all times. Each Dancer will be responsible for keeping their dressing space clean and tidy. The toilets/bathrooms cannot be used as change rooms or for hair and make-up. A $200 cleaning fee will be charged to the school in question if any school leave their area unclean/untidy. It is best to bring many rugs to cover the floor area of your allocated dressing room as this helps  to avoid problems with make-up and any spills. Please also refer to rule 18 regarding photography/videography in dressing room areas.

A Trophy is awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Ribbon Awards for 4th, 5th, VHC and HC. Solos: Medals are awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, VHC and HC. 
Winners will be announced after each section. There will be no presentations of trophies on stage.
Written reports are given for ALL dances. It is the schools’ responsibility to collect their written reports/awards from the administration table before leaving the premises. ONLY Teachers may collect schools awards/ribbons/report sheets. 

No person will be permitted to leave/enter the auditorium whilst any item is in progress or whilst adjudications are being given. Please advise students and supporters that yelling from the audience or side-of-stage is not correct theatre etiquette, we realize that it is meant as encouragement but should be discouraged as sometimes it can actually be distracting and dangerous during lifts, acrobatic skills etc when it is important for the performer to concentrate.

Prompting during performances of any item is strictly prohibited. Assistance in singing and any form of vocalizing by teachers and non-competitors side stage is prohibited.

No refunds will be given unless the Sunshine Coast Dance Committee cancels the event/section. In the case of cancellation ALL refunds will be minus the Comps-On-Line fee of $4.50 and the SCDE administration fee.
Changes to your entry due to honest mistakes will happily be rectified up to 7 days after your invoice is generated, please email with your request to including all the relevant information, section numbers etc. Changes after 7 days will incur a $20 fee per dance, so please enter carefully.

On the day of the Eisteddfod if you have the unfortunate situation where a student/s have covid or any other transmissable illness OR have been injured in the preceeding few days and are unable to dance this rule will apply: All Teams will be allowed a dancer substitution of 10% of their team by a dancer who is up to and no more than 1 year older. (cut-off date is by 31st Dec)
Team Sizes
Up to 14 dancers                 1 dancer substitution
15 & up to 24 dancers         2 dancer substitutions 
25 & up to 34 dancers         3 dancer substitutions
35 & up to 44 dancers         4 dancer substitutions 
45 & up to 50 dancers         5 dancer substitutions
Again, any replacement dancer can be no more than 1 year older by the 31st Dec.

You can substitute an many dancers you like who are of the correct age for the particular section but by allowing a percentage of dancers (1) year older it will make the process easier and less stressful for the dancers and the teachers we hope.
This way we feel you may have reserves who have done a dance in a previous year ready, rehearsed and are able to step in should this unfortunately occur during these uncertain times. Should you have a ‘Rescue Dancer’ in the team on the day you must follow the following protocol:
The substitute dancer/s, along with a teacher MUST register and hand in the attached form (we will have spare copies on the day) at the administration desk prior to the section commencing. We must be notified of these substitutions and when they occur to avoid any issues. Failure to do this may result in disqualification from the section.

The doors will open 1 hour before the session starts. It is advisable that all Schools are on the premises 1 hour before the start of the Session. 

Food will be available for purchase at the Events Centre. Please discourage eating in the dressing rooms.

EVERY school needs to report to Admin prior to leaving The Events Centre to collect all reports, ribbons, music. The SCDE Committee will not post out anything after the day of the event.